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2016-05-14 May
Cemetery & Parks Meeting
May 14, 2016
Kimball House

The meeting was opened at 9:00AM
Present were, Ray Boyes, Tubby Boucher, John Barett, Roger Rapoza Sr., Pam Haman and Drew Funk

Also in attendance Al Birrelle, Eino Kauppi and Bill Conway

Bills were reviewed and signed
Deeds were  approved and signed.
Veterans Sign on Common:
A discussion was held on the Memorial Veterans Sign that was placed on the common to honor those serving or have served in the current Middle East war. Eino from the Historic District Commission stated that the sign needs to come down.  Various options for a new memorial were discussed, ideas such as some type of stone (40inches) Memorial to be placed on the upper common.  Bill stated that he has explored various towns and the types of monuments they have in place.  He suggested reaching out to other veterans, people and organizations.
Cheryl Rickett was involved and had been exploring different ideas.  Roger has attempted to contact her but no response.
A notice will be put in the paper notifying residents that the sign will be coming down due to deterioration and that there will be a new permanent memorial.
Common Fence Repair:
A truck hit the fence at the intersection of Rt 13 & 119.  Damage to the fence has happened before in this area do to the design of the fence.  Trucks will clear the light but hit the fence.  Roger suggested that fence repairs be done by redesigning the area to accommodate trucks. Roger will fill out the “Certificate of Appropriateness” Einio will present the certificate to the Historic District Commission.
Paving Back of Common:
Brief discuss was held on this topic.  No decision was made.
Gazebo Complaints:
Anonymous complaints have been received about the Gazebo.  Roger stated that repair work has been done on the Gazebo.  The Electric inspector has received complaints. Roger has obtained quotes for the work.  One person was not interested, One No response, One quote was received from Dan Haney.   
Cemetery tree Assessment:
A walk thorough was done at Hillside Cemetery to advise the department on trees that my need to be pruned/removed.  Roger will meet with the Tree Warden Don Massucco, go over the plan.  Roger will get estimates for the work that needs to be done.  It was briefly discussed that Section 8 does not have many tree and the department may want to consider a plan for planting trees in that area.
Hep B Shots:
One of the crew found an empty syringe on the common.  Roger would like to make the Hep B shoot available to the crew.  Roger will ask about the process for getting the shots.
Trestle area: On hold for this meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 11:15PM.


Pam Haman